So the days of doing Fatty Arbuckle, Chris Farley or Ignatius J. Reilly in a Confederacy of Dunces movie have a very small time window, and it’s getting smaller by the week." ...
So the days of doing Fatty Arbuckle, Chris Farley or Ignatius J. Reilly in a Confederacy of Dunces movie have a very small time window, and it's getting smaller by the week." The Farley biopic ...
So the days of doing Fatty Arbuckle, Chris Farley or Ignatius J. Reilly in a Confederacy of Dunces movie have a very small time window, and it's getting smaller by the week." ...
The acting career of Paul Walter Hauser has gained significant momentum since a 2021 interview where he talked about his ...
“So the days of doing Fatty Arbuckle, Chris Farley or Ignatius J. Reilly in a ‘Confederacy of Dunces’ movie have a very small time window, and it’s getting smaller by the week ...
So the days of doing Fatty Arbuckle, Chris Farley or Ignatius J. Reilly in a Confederacy of Dunces movie have a very small time window, and it’s getting smaller by the week.' He is also set to ...