You can apply that tactic to any situation. But we didn’t train for anything labeled as a civil war or a specific country or ...
American and Australian troops used batons, broken furniture, knives, guns, broken bottles and fists to settle scores.
Civil War” has tapped into a dark set of national angst. In polls and in interviews, a segment of voters say they fear the ...
Near the end of the Civil War, the two sides started executing enemy soldiers. That led to an actual death lottery. But ...
A24's "Civil War" is the No. 1 movie in the country for a second weekend. Part of what is bringing audiences in for Alex ...
SPOILER ALERT: This contains major spoilers for the ending of “Civil ... battle before the White House security perimeter is breached. The perimeter sequence was shot in Georgia with real ...
The political violence in Alex Garland’s dystopian thriller is chaotic and random — which is exactly what makes it so scary.
Oscar winner Glenn Freemantle talks reteaming with Alex Garland on the A24 film, and explains why the team did not use sound ...
A movie about a contemporary American civil war shot in a city that was a key battleground in a real Civil War, director Alex Garland’s dystopian action film is the much anticipated, hotly debated ...
At the climax of the divisive movie “Civil War,” American soldiers snake through the White House to hunt down the president. This and other harrowing battle scenes were coordinated by a former ...