We know that Eichmann, the notorious Nazi commander who was responsible for implementing the Final Solution and causing the ...
Contrary to his claim during his trial in Israel that he was only following orders, Adolf Eichmann ... his former SS friends, Eichmann had a hard time providing for his family, the paper said ...
The passing of Rafi Eitan, the man who led the 1960 Mossad operation to capture Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann ... After sending for his family, Eichmann settled in Buenos Aires, where he ...
At eleven o'clock this morning, the twenty-fifth day of Nissan in the Hebrew year 5721, Adolf Eichmann, the German, appeared before a Jewish court in Jerusalem charged with crimes against the ...
After Adolf Eichmann, one of the architects of the Holocaust ... It would weigh on the family especially during Jewish holidays, when all the relatives he never knew – grandparents, uncles ...
“I am prepared to atone and accept the death penalty for the terrible things that were done,” Adolf Eichmann–who is now on trial here for directing the mass-murder of Jews under the Nazi ...
The forthcoming trial in Israel of Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi leader who directed the annihilation of 6,000,000 European Jews, will be significant not only for Jews, but also to the world at large ...
Gregory Peck (Self)Jack Perkins (Self)Isser Harel (Self)Elie Wiesel (Self)Adolf Eichmann (Self)Josef Mengele (Self) Dan Setton An outstanding firsthand account by the Mossad agents who planned and ...
Although Eichmann was responsible for implementing the "Final Solution" which led to the deaths of over 5 million Jews, 40 years after his execution, he still remains an enigma. How did this ...
verdict and 1962 execution of Adolf Eichmann, a principal architect of the Holocaust, revisited by Paltrow in a new and surprising way. Based on true accounts, June Zero is told from the unique ...