En la era kirchnerista, la Argentina nunca fue neutral, vivió arrodillada ante Putin, Chávez, China, Evo Morales y ante Irán.
Eichmann, the architect of the Holocaust, was kidnapped in Argentina and spirited back to ... the Mossad operation that led to the arrest of Adolf Eichmann. You may also like: Ridiculous products ...
An Israeli documentary to be released shortly features voice recordings of Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann ... north of Buenos Aires, Argentina, it was reported. Eichmann was flown to Jerusalem ...
El criminal nazi Adolf Eichmann gozó de cobertura de Alemania y USA durante su estadía argentina ya que se conocía su identidad falsa pero no fue revelada a Israel. 08 de enero de 2011 - 10:39 Las ...
Bach era fiscal general adjunto cuando el exteniente coronel de las SS Adolf Eichmann fue secuestrado el 11 de mayo de 1960 por agentes del Mossad en la Argentina, donde se había refugiado con ...
When Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann went on trial in 1961 ... However, four years earlier in Argentina, Eichmann recorded a startling interview with fellow Nazi fugitive and journalist Willem ...
Y la versión que indica que trabajó para Estados Unidos “Llegará la hora en que me sigas, judío”: las palabras de Adolf Eichmann antes de morir para el agente que lo capturó en Argentina ...
Adolf Eichmann flees to Barcelona and Argentina and the Israeli agents are determined to bring him to justice.
When Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann went on trial in 1961 ... However, four years earlier in Argentina, Eichmann recorded a startling interview with fellow Nazi fugitive and journalist Willem ...
Nazi criminal Adolf Eichmann establishes a new life in Argentina, where he meets fellow Nazi Willem Sassen. Together, they record a comprehensive account of his career. Advertisement ...