SS-Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann ließ Millionen Juden in deutsche ... weißhaarige Bach auf Deutsch. Aber keine Aussage habe ihn so persönlich bewegt wie jene Földis.
Adolf Eichmann was captured in Argentina in 1960 by an Israeli team The notorious Holocaust planner Adolf Eichmann was helped out of Germany by members of the German intelligence service and the ...
Wie hilft uns der große Denker heute bei Gewissenskonflikten? Philosoph Heiner Hastedt erläutert im Gespräch Kants ...
Adolf Eichmann was hanged on June 1, 1962. Rafi Eitan, who accompanied the war criminal to the hanging, claimed that Eichmann's final words were: "I hope that all of you will follow me." ...
Contrary to his claim during his trial in Israel that he was only following orders, Adolf Eichmann boasted to his friends that he was part of decision making process. During his trial in Israel in ...
Although Eichmann was responsible for implementing the "Final Solution" which led to the deaths of over 5 million Jews, 40 years after his execution, he still remains an enigma. How did this ...
In 1963, writing her first seminal dispatch from the Eichmann trial in Jerusalem, Hannah Arendt observed that whoever built the Israeli Palace of Justice “obviously had a theater in mind.” ...
A few weeks before the opening of the Eichmann trial, transcripts of recorded conversations that Adolf Eichmann had with a Dutch Nazi journalist, Willem Sassen, were mysteriously handed over to ...
Gregory Peck (Self)Jack Perkins (Self)Isser Harel (Self)Elie Wiesel (Self)Adolf Eichmann (Self)Josef Mengele (Self) Dan Setton An outstanding firsthand account by the Mossad agents who planned and ...
Gabriel Bach, a prosecutor in the 1961 trial of notorious Nazi Adolf Eichmann who went on to serve on Israel’s Supreme Court, has died aged 94. The Israel Judiciary Authority announced his ...
The forthcoming trial in Israel of Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi leader who directed the annihilation of 6,000,000 European Jews, will be significant not only for Jews, but also to the world at large ...