At eleven o'clock this morning, the twenty-fifth day of Nissan in the Hebrew year 5721, Adolf Eichmann, the German, appeared before a Jewish court in Jerusalem charged with crimes against the ...
Eichmann was heard replying: “I don’t exactly remember, yes, I think it was 250,000, but those people were already dead.” In a similar effort at recall, Eichmann mused audibly when he was ...
Adolf Eichmann was hanged on June 1, 1962. Rafi Eitan, who accompanied the war criminal to the hanging, claimed that Eichmann's final words were: "I hope that all of you will follow me." ...
Werner Klemperer (Adolf Eichmann)Ruta Lee (Anna Kemp)Donald Buka (David)Luis Van Rooten (Heinrich Himmler)Steve Gravers (Jacob)John Banner (Rudolf Hoss)Barbara Turner (Sara)Lester Fletcher (Kurt ...
When Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann went on trial in 1961, he denied the accusations. But rediscovered tapes tell another story, revealing a man damning himself with his own voice. Show more In ...
This video is about the life of Eichmann, a Nazi who was in a key perpetrator of the Holocaust. He escaped to Argentina after the war and was captured and put on trial in Israel. Hosted by Peter ...
Although Eichmann was responsible for implementing the "Final Solution" which led to the deaths of over 5 million Jews, 40 years after his execution, he still remains an enigma. How did this ...
The televised trial of Adolf Eichmann brought to a global audience many of the previously unknown horrors of the Holocaust. And on 11th December 1961, Eichmann, sitting impassive and unemotional ...
German-Austrian SS officer and one of the major organizers of the Holocaust Otto Adolf Eichmann was a German-Austrian official of the Nazi Party, an officer of the Schutzstaffel, and one of the ...
Powerful drama starring Martin Freeman. A TV director and producer decide to capture the testimony of one of WW2’s most notorious Nazis and Holocaust organisers, Adolf Eichmann.
Gabriel Bach, a prosecutor in the 1961 trial of notorious Nazi Adolf Eichmann who went on to serve on Israel’s Supreme Court, has died aged 94. The Israel Judiciary Authority announced his ...