März 1906 als Sohn des Buchhalters und späteren Firmenbesitzers Adolf Eichmann und dessen Ehefrau Maria in Solingen geboren, besuchte er ab 1921 die "Höheren Bundeslehranstalt für ...
Adolf Eichmann was captured in Argentina in 1960 by an Israeli team The notorious Holocaust planner Adolf Eichmann was helped out of Germany by members of the German intelligence service and the ...
We know that Eichmann, the notorious Nazi commander who was responsible for implementing the Final Solution and causing the ...
The notorious Nazi Adolf Eichmann could have been caught sooner if Germany's intelligence agency had assisted, new information has revealed. The German Information Agency knew as early as 1952 ...
Eichmann was heard replying: “I don’t exactly remember, yes, I think it was 250,000, but those people were already dead.” In a similar effort at recall, Eichmann mused audibly when he was ...
Adolf Eichmann was hanged on June 1, 1962. Rafi Eitan, who accompanied the war criminal to the hanging, claimed that Eichmann's final words were: "I hope that all of you will follow me." ...
McCloskey's statement, like those of many Faculty members, revealed a tension between regard for legality and a desire to see Adolf Eichmann receive retribution. Almost no arguments can be heard ...
Video summary The trial of Adolf Eichmann in 1961 became the first documentary television series to be broadcast around the world. It was a historic and ground-breaking moment in revealing some of ...
Although Eichmann was responsible for implementing the "Final Solution" which led to the deaths of over 5 million Jews, 40 years after his execution, he still remains an enigma. How did this ...
In December 1944, the Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg attended a small dinner party in Budapest; also at the table was the Nazi Adolf Eichmann. The two men were in Hungary on opposing missions ...
David Brinkley (Self)Edward Asner (Dr. Robert Servatius)Brian Bedford (Adolf Eichmann)Larry Block (Judge Moshe Landau)Eric Bogosian (Franz Meyer)Bruce Davison (Yehiel Katzetnik Dinur)Jeffrey ...