Contrary to his claim during his trial in Israel that he was only following orders, Adolf Eichmann boasted to his friends that he was part of decision making process. During his trial in Israel in ...
“I am prepared to atone and accept the death penalty for the terrible things that were done,” Adolf Eichmann–who is ... in his Nazi career he had sat in meeting with “such important ...
SS officer Adolf Eichmann, famous for organizing the mass murder of Jews, held a meeting in Budapest with a Hungarian Jew named Joel Brandt. Brandt was a well-known, politically active member of ...
The passing of Rafi Eitan, the man who led the 1960 Mossad operation to capture Nazi war criminal Adolf ... Eichmann was present and prepared the official distributed record of the meeting.
In 1963, writing her first seminal dispatch from the Eichmann trial in Jerusalem, Hannah Arendt observed that whoever built the Israeli Palace of Justice “obviously had a theater in mind.” ...
The radical left leader went back over his remarks comparing the University of Lille's president to the Nazi Adolf Eichmann, ...
An Israeli documentary to be released shortly features voice recordings of Nazi war criminal Adolf ... the enemy,'” Eichmann told journalist Wilhelm Sassen during a series of meetings they ...
The televised trial of Adolf Eichmann brought to a global audience many of the previously unknown horrors of the Holocaust. And on 11th December 1961, Eichmann, sitting impassive and unemotional ...
Although Eichmann was responsible for implementing the "Final Solution" which led to the deaths of over 5 million Jews, 40 years after his execution, he still remains an enigma. How did this ...
The articles dealt with the trial of Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi SS officer who coordinated the logistics of transporting ...
SS officer Adolf Eichmann, famous for organizing the mass murder of Jews, held a meeting in Budapest with a Hungarian Jew named Joel Brandt. Brandt was a well-known, politically active member of ...