Alois Arnegger was an Austrian scene painter, best known for his romantic landscapes of rural life and architecture along the Mediterranean coast. Born on March 9, 1879 in Vienna, Austria, Arnegger ...
This chart shows whether Alois Arnegger’s total sales are going up, and if so, whether this is because more artworks by the artist have been offered and sold or because more high-value artworks have ...
This chart shows whether Alois Arnegger’s total sales are going up, and if so, whether this is because more artworks by the artist have been offered and sold or because more high-value artworks have ...
Background on the German physician Alois Alzheimer who first described the debilitating, progressive illness known today as Alzheimer's disease. ...
19 A'Beckett Street, Kew on Tuesday 7th May at 12:30pm. Following Prayers, the cortege will then proceed to Templestowe Cemetery for Burial. Read My Tributes article where we provide support on ...
How many Broadway shows has Alois Sapik been in? Alois Sapik has appeared on Broadway in 1 shows. How many West End shows has Alois Sapik been in? Alois Sapik has not appeared in the West End.
Written at the height of the arts and crafts movement in fin-de-siecle Vienna, Alois Riegl's Stilfragen represented a turning point in defining art and understanding the sources of its inspiration.