But these are not the only unlikely soldiers of the Civil War. There were also children, elderly men, and more! Click on to get to know the unexpected soldiers of the American Civil War that ...
In April 1862, approximately a year into the Civil War, Union soldiers with the 23rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment camped ...
BURTON, Ohio — Visit Century Village Museum May 25-26 to experience the tumultuous era of the American Civil War. Guests can step into the shoes of soldiers and civilians alike as the sights and ...
Solomon Duncan, a Civil War soldier from Coshocton County, died of disease in Texas in 1865 and was buried in an unmarked ...
A historic mill in Manchester Township has been a witness to almost 200 years of York County history. It has an uncertain ...
The Sheffield Historical Society unveiled a new headstone for Black Civil War soldier William D. Jones on Wednesday. His ...
Findings of a survey recently conducted by the Rasmussen Institute shows that 41% of the American voters are worried about the occurrence of a civil war in the country in the near future.
In 1895 lawyer Simon Wolf, in response to antisemites’ claims that his fellow Jews did not do their fair share of Civil War service, published The American Jew as Patriot, Soldier and Citizen. Using ...
What if American democracy shattered into a million pieces and citizens were forced to fight the government for ...
Alex Garland criticizes journalistic and bystander integrity in his new A24 film “Civil War.” ...
one journalist asks the soldiers to wait a second because “I need a quote.” The film feels unimaginative because the idea of another American civil war is so old. Marvel made a much smarter ...