Searching for and identifying the American service members who became a prisoner of war or were reported missing in action is ...
George Takei and his family were among the thousands of Japanese American citizens imprisoned by the U.S. government after ...
The Fayetteville and Fort Liberty area has had several veterans who were prisoners of war in the Philippines during World War ...
The Ireichō is the first comprehensive list of every name of the 125,284 Japanese Americans who were incarcerated during WW2.
Clifford Strickland survived the Bataan Death March but later died in a POW camp. Eight decades later, he is returning home.
With the release of the Oscar-winning film Oppenheimer in Japan, American and Japanese netizens have recently engaged in a ...
The next day, McDaniel was captured and sent to one of the most infamous prisoner-of ... past 80 years beyond the WWII ...
As George Orwell wrote, “Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.” We need a ...
Afterward, prisoners were forced on a 65-mile ... While then-Fort Bragg units were deployed elsewhere during World War II, some American service members held in the Japanese POW camp had ties ...