"If you have to ask what a tin foil hat is for, you're not ready to know what it's for," Craig explained during a Season 9 interview. "Aliens don't really respect bare heads — bare heads are ...
A few tin foil hat conspiracy theorists accuse their supermarket ... We chatted with Dr. David Gerrard, Director of Virginia Tech's School of Animal Science, to demystify spaghetti meat.
In the last week of session while House members discuss the second version of their budget, state Rep. Micah Caskey , ...
The local pro wrestler once known as “Man Mountain Mike” had a unique sense of humour, said those who knew him best. “He was quite out there,” said his son, Brett Phillips, the oldest of the three ...
One of the more interesting hacks that’s been making the rounds online claims that you can prevent intruders from breaking into your home with nothing more than a sheet of regular aluminum foil.
Yes, you read that right. Turns out, boosting your Wi-Fi signal is one of many fascinating aluminum foil uses you never knew about. To get the inside scoop, I asked an expert to explain how this ...
My favorite social-media post in recent weeks (from a Seattle-based engineer named Grant Slatton) seems esoteric, but is quite insightful: "We don't talk enough about how insane aluminum foil is.
Luckily, there are a few quick fixes for this problem, and one of them involves something you already have in your kitchen—aluminum foil. Incidentally, this is just one of the many aluminum foil ...
The trick: Wad up a piece of aluminum foil into a ball, and toss it straight into the flatware compartment of your dishwasher. I didn’t think I had any issue with my flatware before I saw the ...