Yamaguchi became the first Asian American to win an individual figure skating gold medal at the 1992 Winter Olympics.
Get ready to embark on a fantastical adventure into the world of Barbie, where real-life stars transform into the iconic ...
If you have a little one who loves to play with Barbie, there are lots of positive ways in which you can encourage them to ...
Recent blockbuster successes in film and pop music provide an opportunity to reconsider the P-word, patriarchy, and its ills.
From there, they intended to make a physical space that represented how moviegoers may have interacted with their own dolls.
The good news is that fans can get their hands on the popular movie version dolls, plus some must-have Barbie merchandise (hello, Dreamhouse!) online and we've shared exactly where you can shop them.
The official Ken and Barbie movie dolls featuring exact replicas of the outfits seen in the movie are finally back in stock and ready to be added to your mantle. By Rylee Johnston editor All ...
A collection of 100 Barbie dolls including an Elizabeth I and a Ferrari version could sell for $12,445 at auction. They are part of a rare toys sale at The Canterbury Auction Galleries which also ...
Dua Lipa's "Dance the Night" is one of many songs inspired by Barbie, some of which predate the movie 'Barbie'.
Mattel’s new “Inspiring Women Series” Barbie duplicates the barrier-shattering moment Kristi Yamaguchi made history at the ...
Kristi Yamaguchi's epic 1992 Olympics gold medal moment is now being celebrated in the form of a Barbie, and as a special ...