After a journey lasting about two billion years, photons from an extremely energetic gamma-ray burst (GRB) struck the sensors ...
Scientists may be a step closer to discovering how gamma-ray bursts come to be some of the most powerful explosions in the ...
The gamma-ray burst blinded gamma-ray telescopes on Earth and shook the upper parts of our planet's atmosphere.
Swift is a multiwavelength space telescope that scientists are using to find out more about these mysterious gamma-ray ...
The brightest gamma-ray burst ever recorded was caused by the collapse and explosion of a massive star, astronomers have ...
James Webb Space Telescope observations show no sign of heavy elements. In October 2022, an international team of researchers ...
An enormous burst of gamma rays from 2.4 billion light-years away that struck Earth last year has been revealed to be caused ...
Recordings of the largest gamma-radiation burst ever have revealed a shocking secret that astronomers are still baffled by.
In a unique cosmic event, scientists have detected a burst of gamma rays originating from a rare magnetar in the nearby ...
The collapse of a massive star may have caused the brightest cosmic explosion of all time, astronomers have said.
Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are intense bursts of gamma radiation, typically generating more energy in a few seconds than the sun ...