Two Parliamentarian cavalry troops will be marking the 425th anniversary of Oliver Cromwell's birth. The Civil War leader and Lord Protector was born on 25 April 1599 in Huntingdon. The re-enactors ...
Where did all the skeletons go from the Battle of Waterloo? A new book suggests they — and some U.S. soldiers’ bones — were ...
Executive producer Marsha Bemko shares her tips for getting the most out of ANTIQUES ROADSHOW. Value can change: The value of an item is dependent upon many things, including the condition of the ...
Near the end of the Civil War, the two sides started executing enemy soldiers. That led to an actual death lottery. But ...
PONTIAC — Basking under a warm spring sun, a slight breeze without a cloud in sight, the descendants of William M. Clark, ...
This week marked a ceremony 105 years in the making. Private William Clark was a Civil War Union veteran from Pontiac who ...
Howell Raines calls it the most amazingly counterintuitive fact in all of Civil War history ... “Silent Cavalry: How Union Soldiers from Alabama Helped Sherman Burn Atlanta—and Then ...
The Sultana Museum, located in Marion, is a testament and memorial to this forgotten tragedy. With possibly more lives lost ...
Two years into the Civil War, black soldiers prepared for ... 2 were soldiers of the 5th United States Colored Cavalry. Fighting with white soldiers from the 11th Michigan and 12th Ohio Cavalries ...
At the time of the Civil War ... were America’s first pictorial war correspondents. They were young men (none were women) from diverse backgrounds—soldiers, engineers, lithographers and ...
Morris County has unveiled the newest addition to its online Morris County’s Veterans Compendium: “Brother Against Brother: ...
Harrel opens with a look at the American Civil War, in which cavalry several times secured important operational results (e.g., Grant’s first Vicksburg campaign). Some Russian soldiers combined this ...