An official in Congo says the death toll in the bombings of two camps for displaced people in the country's east last week ...
Gaza, Ukraine and Sudan crisis have pushed the Democratic Republic of Congo from humanitarian watchlists. But 7 million ...
At least 16 people were killed and 30 injured in a bomb attack on 3 May in two displaced persons camps in Lac Vert and Mugunga, near Goma, capital of North Kivu, in the east of the Democratic Republic ...
At least 15 people are now know to have died following the shelling of IDP camps in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.
At least 12 people, including seven children, were killed on Friday in a strike on a displacement camp in the eastern ...
Until now, key players had blocked the establishment of a court that could hold them accountable for atrocities like murder, rape and torture.
The decadeslong conflict in eastern Congo has produced one of the world's worst humanitarian crises, with over 100 armed groups fighting for control of the mineral-rich area near the border with ...
The Congolese army says a bomb at a refugee camp in eastern Congo has killed at least 5 people, including children ...
The United States has accused Rwanda of involvement in a deadly attack on a camp for displaced people in the eastern ...
DR Congo is world’s second-largest producer of coltan, a key mineral in making mobile phones and laptops - Anadolu Ajansı ...
At least 15 people are now know to have died following the shelling of IDP camps in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Rwanda has denied involvement in the attacks, while the US has called ...
At least nine people, including seven children, were killed on Friday in a strike at a displacement camp in the eastern Congolese city of Goma, a local official and a military spokesman said.