Eichmann was heard replying: “I don’t exactly remember, yes, I think it was 250,000, but those people were already dead.” In a similar effort at recall, Eichmann mused audibly when he was ...
At eleven o'clock this morning, the twenty-fifth day of Nissan in the Hebrew year 5721, Adolf Eichmann, the German, appeared before a Jewish court in Jerusalem charged with crimes against the ...
When Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann went on trial in 1961, he denied the accusations. But rediscovered tapes tell another story, revealing a man damning himself with his own voice. Show more In ...
This video is about the life of Eichmann, a Nazi who was in a key perpetrator of the Holocaust. He escaped to Argentina after the war and was captured and put on trial in Israel. Hosted by Peter ...
Although Eichmann was responsible for implementing the "Final Solution" which led to the deaths of over 5 million Jews, 40 years after his execution, he still remains an enigma. How did this ...
The forthcoming trial in Israel of Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi leader who directed the annihilation of 6,000,000 European Jews, will be significant not only for Jews, but also to the world at large ...
Eichmann was abducted off the streets of Buenos Aires on May 11, 1960, by a team of Mossad agents. Spirited out of Argentina on a plane, he arrived in Israel on May 22. Pictured is the teleprinter ...
Memories of the Eichmann Trial includes reminiscences by trial witnesses, Holocaust survivors, Israelis of the second generation, and others who were directly involved in the Eichmann case.
This documentary video, hosted by David Brinkley, presents actual trial footage of the 1961 televised trial in Jerusalem of Nazi SS colonel who orchestrated the "Final Solution of the Jewish Problem." ...
A few weeks before the opening of the Eichmann trial, transcripts of recorded conversations that Adolf Eichmann had with a Dutch Nazi journalist, Willem Sassen, were mysteriously handed over to ...