The US Census counts incarcerated people as residents of prisons, not their home towns — with undemocratic results.
Gerrymandering is more than math. I have had this conversation many times over the years with a variety of people, and I have ...
If the CPC has its way, inequality is on the ballot. Living wages are on the ballot. Affordable healthcare, childcare, ...
It is difficult, if not impossible, to attempt to counter polarization at a time when partisan sectarianism is intense and ...
Many of Donald Trump's followers believe he has been divinely selected to lead but a false prophet will lead people into ...
In that state, Black people are more than a quarter of the population but had control over just one of the state’s seven ...
Residents of Oak Park will have the opportunity to answer a non-binding referendum question on their November ballots: Should ...
“Democrats in California, for example, are pretty happy to give all of their electoral ... warned that every state adopting ...
Recent court rulings against the Democrats’ legal assaults on fair, honest and open elections could spell trouble for ...
More than a dozen Democrat attorneys general are weighing in on a legal dispute in Georgia over its congressional map.
Pass Gov. Roy Cooper's no-frills North Carolina budget, focus on taking care of business and keep the "short" session short.
Frontrunners Treasurer Tobias Read and state Sen. James Manning will face off in the May 21 Democratic primary.