An Iowa school district has apologized for using a phrase attributed to Heinrich Himmler, the Nazi architect ... paramilitary group better known as the SS — to show loyalty to Adolf Hitler ...
During WW2, German SS leader Heinrich Himmler attempted to turn a Renaissance castle into a headquarters for the Nazis' major paramilitary organisation. Dubbed the 'Centre of the World' by Himmler ...
In Katrin's childhood home at least, the subject wasn't out of bounds and she grew up in the full knowledge of who Heinrich Himmler was - the ruthless head of the SS and a key player in the holocaust.
In a bestseller she claims is based on historical fact, writer Fermina Cañaveras wrongly depicts a Spanish deportee who was ...
She even reached out the hand of friendship to Hedwig Potthast, the secret mistress of SS chief Heinrich Himmler, who had ...
Heinrich Himmler stylizes his SS as an aristocratic religious order. At the Wewelsburg near Paderborn, he himself plays the master of ceremonies of this anti-Christian and anti-Semitic order ...
David B. Stewart III (Reichsfuhrer-SS Heinrich Himmler)Angelina Leigh (Danuta)Chuck Maher (Standartenfuhrer Klein)Martin Slamon (Oberfuhrer Shellenberg)John Martineau (Erebus)Tina Krause (Greta ...
Ad Policy Nazi Minister of the Interior Heinrich Himmler inspects the Galicia Division of the SS in May 1944. (Via the Polish National Digital Archives) Editors note: Shortly after publishing this ...
The parcels were stamped "Urgent - war materials". Doctor Mengele was a member of Heinrich Himmler's SS. And, like Mengele, every member of the SS was told to pride themselves on their hardness ...
Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler (right) tours the Monowitz-Buna building site. In October 1941 Auschwitz construction chief Karl Bischoff and SS architect Fritz Ertl were developing plans for a ...