As courtships go, Hermann Goering's was lacking in romance. The first present he gave 38-year-old actress Emmy Sonnemann was ...
A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to interview screenplay writer and codirector, Jake Broder, about his world premiere ...
Sense of Decency” makes its world premiere using misdirection, manipulation, and magic to try to find the difference between ...
Jake Broder's "Sense of Decency" is about the prison meetings between a U.S. Army psychiatrist and Nazi leader Hermann Göring ...
NUREMBERG, March 18, 1946 (UP) - Hermann Goering told the War Crimes Tribunal today that he was proud to offer "my head" at the bar of Allied justice for his belief in Adolf Hitler and Nazism.
Is there anything more gratifying than the “victim” of an “offensive” joke turning around and saying that, actually, they ...
NUREMBERG, March 12, 1946 (UP) - Responsibility for the German annihilation bombing of Coventry in 1940 was pinned squarely on Reichsmarshal Hermann Goering by one of his own defense witnesses today.
In 1933, Nazi Germany's secret police, better known as the Gestapo, is formed by Hermann Goering. The Allies declared the Gestapo a criminal organization during the Nuremberg trials and sentenced ...
His book “The Nazi and the Psychiatrist ... and Hitler's deputy, Hermann Goering, just prior to the war crimes trials. And gosh, those meetings offered a fascinating look into the mind ...
They play the title roles: Crowe is Hermann Göring, one of Adolf ... Its writer is the first to acknowledge that his nonfiction book was not a big seller when it was published in 2013.
Kelley uses old-fashioned magic tricks to impress and outsmart the men he meets, including imprisoned Nazi leader Hermann Göring ... between Kelley and his wife about his interviews with Göring.