Holding on to bitterness, anger, and grudges is like drinking poison and hoping it harms the other person. The Bible emphasizes forgiveness – not for the offender’s sake, but for your own.
If you’re like most people ... which can nullify the harmful effects of holding on to the anger and resentment associated with grudges. But what if we could stop a grudge from forming in ...
Nelson Mandela said, “Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die." This card brings attention to any bitterness you are refusing to release. Validate your ...
“I was holding a real grudge about it ... That’s when we don’t allow grudges to turn into that poison, that burdening resentment that can weigh us down so badly.” ...
All in all, her way of dealing with relationships ending seems much more healthy than holding on to grudges for years, like the rest of us do. That must be why Taylor pays absolutely no attention ...
Forgiving them is being kind to yourself, more for your benefit than theirs. Because they then cease to have any hold over you. You know that you have truly forgiven someone when seeing them or th ...
According to Professor Brett Kahr of the Tavistock Institute, a grudge is not a psychology catalogue item: it's not an illness, but a state of mind – "a powerful welling up of a rather annoying ...
Police in the southern Mexico state of Oaxaca say five people have died after drinking a poison potion in a Santeria ‘power’ ...
Give your shelves a scrubbing and restock like the earthen royalty you ... As a fixed sign, Scorpios tend to hold onto things — namely grudges and festering resentments. In a true spring ...