Cut the caulk tube tip square and drag the caulk gun toward you as you lay in a thick bead of caulk along the inside edge of ...
Our instincts tell us that toilets are one of those things — like venomous snakes, spiders, and some relatives — that we shouldn't interact with any more than we have to. But when the time comes to ...
There are hard-water stains that seem nearly impossible to remove ... The toilet has three key components to consider when cleaning: the throne exterior, the bowl and the surrounding area.
Before there’s any urgency (or water all over the floor ... the toilet tank. So, if you flush the toilet when the water is off, the water from the tank will empty into the toilet bowl, leaving ...
To see for yourself, look just behind the base of the toilet, a few inches from the floor. The toilet’s water ... or two of dish soap to the toilet bowl. Pour the water into the toilet, ensuring ...
A raised toilet seat is a thick toilet seat that fits on top of a toilet bowl or a seat that’s independently ... measuring the distance from the floor to the user’s knee, measuring the height ...
Even if you only have 10 minutes, you can still accomplish these cleaning tasks.
Old toilets can be stubborn to remove ... or the floor has started to rot because of water damage. If you start to notice puddles of water around the base of your toilet, check the bowl and ...
Adjust the height to ensure your feet are flat on the floor when using the commode. Insert the commode pot and cushion - removing the pot lid before use. After using the commode, lift the toilet seat ...
LIMESCALE in toilet bowls is never a pleasant sight. You might clean it all the time, but the build up of minerals in constant running water means the limescale can become tough to remove.
Urine is a tough smell to get rid of and it needs to be killed at the source - which is typically around the toilet bowl or ...
"I've just noticed this in my toilet bowl," she said, sharing a picture of some dark stains. "Does anyone know the best thing to use to get it off please? "I usually use the Dr Beckmanns foam ...