they only need to look at the traumatized remains of Italy after Berlusconi had his way.” Indeed, the parallels between ...
Now in her second year as Italy's far-right prime minister, Giorgia Meloni is already a driving force in European politics.
Italy's League, a junior party in the government, is putting forward a provocative candidate for European Party elections ...
Polls indicate a surge for the right across the continent in next month’s ballots, but the centrists are still likely to hold ...
Giovanni Toti, president of Italy's Liguria region, has been placed under house arrest amid an investigation into allegations he granted political favors for money.
Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni will spar with main opposition party leader Elly Schlein in an unprecedented debate on May 23 ahead of the European elections.
Italy’s Tourism Minister Daniela Santanche has been indicted for alleged employment benefit fraud, dealing a blow to the ...
Italy's Tourism Minister Daniela Santanche finds herself embroiled in controversy as she faces charges of fraud, casting a ...
The much-touted “firewall” against the extreme right, which has always been a fiction, is to definitively fall after the ...
Vannacci will be one of the League candidates at the next European Parliament elections. Credit: AP/Alessandra Tarantino But Italy’s defense minister fired him in August as head of the military ...
joined Italy’s deputy premier and leader of the right-wing League party, Matteo Salvini, as the League’s headline candidate for upcoming European Parliament elections. Salvini’s gamble to ...