Cleopatra VII was a Hellenic queen of Egypt. There exists a temple in Egypt where she is depicted along with her son ...
Gaius Julius Caesar is one of the most iconic figures in history. Thus, unsurprisingly, his last words became an indelible ...
Parts of the villa seem to be worthy of a man who, in his own words, found Rome a city of stone and left it a city of marble.
Julius Caesar Twisted” was first created by incarcerated performers at Vacaville’s California State Prison Solano in 2022 ...
Described as "Julius Caesar meets Blade Runner", a synopsis for the film reads: "In New York, a woman, Julia Cicero, is ...
In some ways, these figures resemble historical “big” Caesars, such as Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolf Hitler, and Julius himself.
I’ve always had a soft spot for anachronisms — modern sensibilities meshed with past periods — so naturally, I found a lot to ...
Studiocanal and Editions Albert René have signed a development agreement for the sixth live-action film of the adventures of ...
Indy Shakes, formally the Indianapolis Shakespeare Company, Inc., will in May put on a modern adaptation of "Julius Caesar." ...
Well-known as a brilliant general and politician, Julius Caesar also played a fundamental role in the formation of the Latin literary language and remains a central figure in the history of Latin ...
“The Tragedy of Julius Caesar” is over 400 years old and about an event that occurred over 1,600 years ago, but the Hyperion Shakespeare Company’s latest production of the work feels ...
Indy Shakes is taking its production of Julius Caesar to the Frank & Katrina Basile Theatre at the Phoenix Theatre Cultural ...