Julius and Ethel Rosenberg shortly after they were convicted of espionage. The Rosenbergs were executed in 1953. (Wikimedia Commons/Library of Congress) By signing up, you confirm that you are ...
In July 1950, Julius Rosenberg is arrested for spying, along with his wife Ethel. Decades later, declassified documents would cast doubt on whether Ethel was guilty as charged (03:10) Explore ...
women and children plodded before the White House last night, grimly entreating President Eisenhower to spare atom spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg from the electric chair.Between 2,000 and 3,000 ...
“From history, here are a few of those convicted under Espionage Act of 1917: Aldrich Ames, Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, Jonathan Pollard, Larry Wu-tai Chin, Eugene V. Debs,” tweeted Michael ...
That's why they were executed, and the writing on the wall if you believe Venona is that neither Julius nor Ethel Rosenberg did the crime they were killed for. That seems to be the most important ...
In 1953, at the height of the Cold War, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg died in the electric chair after being convicted of conspiring to pass secrets about the atomic bomb to the Soviets. The ...
There were a number of stormy protests against the execution of certain convicted felons (e.g., Julius and Ethel Rosenberg), but little opposition against the death penalty itself. In fact ...
Marie-José Nat (Ethel Rosenberg)Gilles Ségal (Julius Rosenberg)Jean Topart (Me Bloch)Georges Wilson (Le juge Douglas)François Darbon (Le procureur)Paul Le Person (Le juge)François Dyrek (David ...
Inspired by a 250,000-page archive of documents related to the investigation, trial and execution of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, The Perlin Papers is a film that deploys a variety of narrative and ...
On April 5, 1951, sentences were handed down to married couple Julius and Ethel Rosenberg who had been convicted days earlier of spying for the Soviet Union. For their crimes of passing coded info ...
women and children plodded before the White House last night, grimly entreating President Eisenhower to spare atom spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg from the electric chair.Between 2,000 and 3,000 ...