Eichmann was heard replying: “I don’t exactly remember, yes, I think it was 250,000, but those people were already dead.” In a similar effort at recall, Eichmann mused audibly when he was ...
Copies of two telegrams signed by Eichmann–one dated March 27, 1942 and the other dated May 6, 1942–were read into the court record by Mr. Hausner. Both wires were labeled “special treatment ...
At eleven o'clock this morning, the twenty-fifth day of Nissan in the Hebrew year 5721, Adolf Eichmann, the German, appeared before a Jewish court in Jerusalem charged with crimes against the ...
Based on true accounts, June Zero is told from the unique perspectives of three distinct figures: Eichmann’s Jewish Moroccan prison guard, an Israeli police investigator who also happens to be a ...
Der Artikel diskutiert die Herausforderungen bei der Erstellung einer Biografie des Schriftstellers Klaus Mann, der berühmt für seine detaillierte und poetische Autobiografie "Der Wendepunkt" ist.
Klaus Otto Nagorsnik, einer der „Jäger“ aus der ARD-Quizsendung „Gefragt - Gejagt“, ist nach Angaben der ARD-Programmdirektion überraschend gestorben. Er sei 68 Jahre alt geworden ...
Wie die ARD am 24. April per Pressemitteilung bekannt gegeben hat, ist der "Jäger" Klaus Otto Nagorsnik verstorben. Er wurde 68 Jahre alt. Zur Todesursache machte der Rundfunkverbund keine Angabe.
Cleveland Orchestra fans who hopped on guest conductor Klaus Mäkelä's magic carpet at Severance Music Center on Thursday evening were swept away to the streets of Lima to hear Peruvian street ...
Superstar Finnish conductor Klaus Mäkelä is just 28 years old. He is the youngest head conductor of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra since it was founded in 1891. Mäkelä had served previously as ...
Klaus Mäkelä conducts the Chicago Symphony Orchestra through Sauli Zinovjev’s Batteria at Symphony Center’s Orchestra Hall on Thursday night. It was the maestro’s first turn at the podium ...
New Chicago Symphony Orchestra music director designate Klaus Mäkelä conducts the CSO and cello soloist Sol Gabetta at Symphony Center on April 4, 2024. (Chris Sweda/Chicago Tribune) But nail ...