One Star Wars master and apprentice lineage has dominated the franchise, yet with that Jedi lineage came some of the biggest ...
Sigourney Weaver is set to join the Star Wars universe with a role in The Mandalorian & Grogu. Of course, Weaver is already a ...
The Mandalorian & Grogu,' the first Star Wars movie to go into to go into production since 2019’s 'Rise of Skywalker.' ...
With how many people have already starred in Star Wars’ various Mandoverse series, from The Mandalorian to Ahsoka, it seems ...
Will Sigourney Weaver join the next Star Wars movie? All signs point to yes. Here's why Weaver joining 'The Mandalorian & ...
If you've ever wondered about the order of Star Wars movies ranked, worst to best, then fear not, as we've got the definitive list below. We've ranked all the Star Wars movies from the original ...
The Mandalorian and Grogu may have its first new cast member, and she’s a sci-fi legend. Sigourney Weaver, the star of Alien, ...
The “Star Wars” galaxy is ever-expanding. In the last year, we’ve gotten new tales of a beloved former Jedi, an animated look at the aftermath of Order 66 and a teased return of Rey Skywalker.
The Star Wars franchise, created by George Lucas, began with the eponymous 1977 film and eventually expanded to include TV shows, video games and other forms of media, quickly becoming a worldwide ...
Ubisoft, in collaboration with Lucasfilm Games, announced the launch date for “Star Wars Outlaws” — the first open-world Star Wars game — and released the official trailer as well as new ...
Sigourney Weaver is in talks to return to space for a key role in the next Star Wars movie, The Mandalorian & Grogu.
Lots of people make replica lightsabers from Star Wars or tricorders from Star Trek. Not so many people have tried to recreate the binoculars from The Last Jedi, but [The Smugglers Room ...