104 Corporation’s survey indicated that if being a stay-at-home mother was a paid job ... The job search network Yes123 also ...
After language and country studies in Europe, Matthew Strong worked as a writer, reporter and broadcaster in Taiwan for over ...
A: Entertainer Mickey Huang’s #MeToo scandal has kept snowballing. B: Didn’t Huang just escape prosecution on several sexual ...
鐵雲老師請一路走好 十四歲那年,我和父親從緬北一個無電和無自來水之小鎮攜帶簡單之行囊直奔首都仰光, 據友人告知那裡有所中文高級中學,幾經周折我們終於來到了這所簡陋之中正高中, 我緊握住父親的手不願他離我而去,淚水奪眶而出, ...
President-elect Lai Ching-te (賴清德) on Tuesday said he looked forward to "strengthening cooperation [with Japan] in various ...
(Family Features) As a pet parent, you know your pet's needs are continually evolving. That's true during different stages of ...
At a time when Taiwan's carbon fee rate remains in limbo, a leading local electric motor manufacturer, which voluntarily ...
Harvey Weinstein will remain locked up in New York as a court works out whether he should stay in a city jail while awaiting retrial or be sent to California to serve his prison sentence for rape ther ...
From chicken nuggets to spices, cereal to chips, veteran food exec Wendy Davidson has done it all. Now this CEO is tackling ...