It's a story about the Holocaust, but it's like nothing you've experienced before. Meet Laszlo Csatary--the most wanted Nazi war criminal alive today. Meet two of the women he condemned to death.
Of all the revolutions that swept across Eastern Europe 30 years ago in the winter of 1989, the overthrow of Nicolae Ceaușescu and his wife Elena, was the bloodiest. But few communist regimes had ...
Laszlo Hanyecz invented GPU mining, but all he got in return was a sh** pizza meme — a cultural callback that dwarfs his more groundbreaking contributions to the space. But he's taking it all in ...
He was the winner of the 2015 Man Booker International prize The Hungarian author Laszlo Krasznahorkai continues our series of stories marking the upheavals of 1989 with a story set at an artists ...
„Oly hosszú volt a harminchárom év, S oly messze van az én hazám” – szóltak a legendás Omega együttes sorai, mely sorok a véletlen játékának köszönhetően – a balladáétól teljesen eltérő kontextusban – ...
EXCLUSIVE: Charades and New Europe Films are joining forces to co-sell Oscar-winning Hungarian director Laszlo Nemes’ long-awaited new feature Orphan, as the production gears up to commence ...
A magyar gazdaságpolitika szolgálja a leginkább a pénzpiaci szereplők érdekét is, mert ez az, amely munkára és beruházásra ösztönöz, és amennyire lehetséges, a jövedelem átcsoportosításával ...
(2021) Zs. Biedermann, T. Barczikay, L. Szalai.: Difficulties in Diversification in Resource Rich Countries – The Case of Botswana. Külgazdasá, 65(5–6), pp. 31 ...