The destruction of Latvian Jewry by the Germans is disclosed ... The report points out that the Nazis began murdering the Jews almost from the first moment they occupied the country.
Jewish New Yorkers were shocked and outraged by Iran’s missile attack on Israel Saturday, leaving many fearing for their loved ones trapped in the besieged Jewish State. “Of course, I’m ...
His video then cut to a subtitled clip of a Taiwanese speaker purportedly discussing how “TikTok inadvertently offended the Jewish people” by hosting pro-Palestinian content. “The power of ...
Yet Jews in America overwhelmingly vote Democrat. You know, this might be a good time to rethink their traditional leftist voting habits, but that conundrum represents a conflict in human nature ...
In Nevada, there are Jews who have hidden any signs of their faith, painting over the mezuzahs that hang outside their homes. That’s happened in Texas, too, where a Jewish city council member ...
Last week, I sat in Yale University’s Beinecke Plaza leading around 50 classmates in nigunim — wordless melodies from the Jewish Hasidic tradition — and other Jewish songs and prayers.
It is appropriate that many of the student protesters are Jewish: Jews have played a powerful role in American protest movements for decades. In Egypt, as we recall every Passover, Jews rose up ...
And that word, “justice,” is viscerally triggering to Jews worldwide precisely due to wording such as the link on Tabassum’s Instagram bio, which claims that justice will only arrive in the ...
Yes, I’m serious—the third episode (titled “The Shabbat Dinner”) of what is seemingly a big-budget action series about Knuckles from Sonic the Hedgehog is all about the weekly Jewish ...
PITTSBURGH — In the heart of one of America’s most prominent historically Jewish neighborhoods, Dan and Baila Cohen keep the front entrance of their 70-year-old Judaica store locked during ...
A whole chicken cooks in a bed of tomatoey, tender, spiced rice in this one-pot Iraqi Jewish dish. Tebit is often made for Shabbat, the Jewish day of rest, because it can be prepped and cooked the ...
Statement comes after Met police apologised for calling antisemitism campaigner ‘openly Jewish’ Being Jewish “should never be seen as provocative”, the government has said after a row over ...