Getting good, flavored food inspired the spice trade, genocides and invasions, food historian Sandy Garson of Bath said in a ...
Nicholas Murray Butler’s spirit lives on—in both the approach of the current appeasing, spineless and incompetent administration, and in the fetid antisemitic beliefs of the student protesters.
By the 1920s, German academics were pointing to the eastern expansion of the medieval Reich to legitimize Adolf Hitler’s pursuit of Lebensraum. Kim believes her field has still not confronted its past ...
Hitler wanted to follow a policy of ‘Lebensraum’, which meant taking over land in eastern Europe as ‘living space’ for the German people. The Nazis’ response to anyone who resisted their ...
The Germans presumed the right to determine who should live and who should die. Op-ed.
An empire isn’t much of an empire without colonies; at least that’s what much of Europe seemed to believe for the past few centuries. If Adolf Hitler wanted his thousand-year Reich to really ...
If those “As a Jew”s were in ancient Egypt, undoubtably they would have been the loud justifiers of the Pharaoh’s persecution ...
We saw a flier for a speech at a university in Prague, about the forces in the world lining up on two sides: The U.S., Europe, generally the West on one side; Russia, Iran, North Korea, China on the ...
After being exposed as supporters of pro-Hamas groups in the US, some of the big donors may hesitate to shell out their money to these questionable activities.
Black Pearl Sings!, Going to St Ives, Frozen, Missing Link, Drink Me, Bee-Luther Hatchee, Lebensraum, (Barrymore Best ...
A bit of network lebensraum Telefonica Germany is set to shift a million of its 5G customers to Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud later this month, the company chiefs have told Reuters. The American ...
A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to interview screenplay writer and codirector, Jake Broder, about his world premiere ...