As Germany invaded from the west, the Soviet Union invaded from the east, culminating in the division ... on Nazi soldiers. Then, on Passover eve, on April 19, German police and SS forces entered ...
In 1979 the art historian was outed as one of the Cambridge spies recruited by Stalin. Shocking new evidence suggests he may ...
A piece of Holocaust history — a Nazi concentration camp built on Alderney, a British island — has been largely forgotten.
US Army forces under the command of Gen. George Patton liberated Buchenwald concentration camp in Weimar, Germany, on this day in history, April 11, 1945.
Beyond mere philosophical musings, the tenets of Ariosophy permeated various aspects of the German regime, manifesting in ...
Despite the overwhelming evidence of Hitler’s expansionist ambitions, no one tried to moderate his behaviour. Neighbour after ...
Soldiers from the 41st Field Artillery Brigade at Tower Barracks in nearby Grafenwoehr was among a handful of American ...
But a soccer jersey with numbers resembling Nazi SS bolts on a German team? No way. Adidas, which manufactured the new jerseys for the German national team, announced Monday that it will be ...
Ostar pulled the buckle off of a dead German soldier when, as a U.S. Army private, he helped liberate the notorious Dachau ...
Following last week's resignation of Anthony Rota after inviting and honoring the 98-year-old Nazi war veteran Yaroslav Hunka who had fought for the Waffen-SS Galicia Division, or the SS 14th ...