世界初「自然回帰型」衛生用品のための技術が誕生。少量の水や土の中でも分解される吸水体で、これまでの衛生用品のスタンダードが変わる! 通常の製品と同じ使い勝手でありながら、安心して節水トイレに流せるオムツやナプキンが製造可能に。 世界初の自然にやさしい吸水体登場! ・国立研究開発法人新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構NEDO助成事業製品。 ・日本国内特許取得済(米国、欧州特許申請中) ナプキンの水崩 ...
The EFF was brave enough to take their elections campaign to areas previously known as ANC strongholds and the party’s ...
Stormy Daniels stepped into the witness stand at the former president’s criminal trial (he faces 34 charges of falsifying ...
A MARRIED couple who’ve lived in mobile homes for the past decade say their relationship is stronger than ever. Casey ...
役所広司さんの主演映画で注目を集めるトイレ清掃。駅や商業施設では「清掃中」の黄色い看板を立てて頻繁に清掃しているイメージがある。実際の清掃頻度はどれくらいなのか。利用者が多い施設の実情を調べた。本格清掃は1日1回が主流JR東日本管内における男女合計の ...
STROUD State Emergency Service (SES) representatives are asking residents and visitors alike to act on some timely self-help ...
Day 14 of the Trump Trial, should have been a good day for the defense, and not just because it had a chance to break Stormy ...
You use more water each and every day than you think, between showers, sinks, toilets, dishwashers and washing machines. Here's how to cut back on the cost of those appliances.
The kind of motherhood that I have is likened to a teabag. I never got to know how much power I have till I was steeped in ...
Do a brief stocktake of how much humanity has achieved in the past 300 years and you will understand the problem faced by the ...
In a combative few hours of cross-examination in the hush money trial, Trump’s lawyers sought to portray the former porn star ...