(Napoleon’s 1812 invasion was Russia’s first “patriotic war.”) Germany’s Kaiser Wilhelm ... Following the revolution WW1 was largely forgotten, and dismissed by the Soviets as an ...
Hungarian foreign minister Péter Szijjártó warned against a NATO country getting directly involved in the Russia-Ukraine war.
That is why the declaration by Austria of war on Serbia caused a “domino effect:” Russia said it would not allow the occupation of Serbia, the Germany - an ally of Austria-Hungary, began ...
The precise motivation for Balfour's letter is unclear, but the British may have hoped to influence Jewish communities in ...
This time it's that perennial issue in Ukraine since the current Russian invasion ... The drip-feed approach of Germany and America generates a kind of attritional WW1 trench warfare stand ...
BBC correspondent David Shukman asks whether the legacy of Versailles is still a useful approach to one of our most complex ...
Just this weekend, we learned that the US was preparing for Russia using tactical nuclear ... This did not work for tanks in ...
Che” Guevara (1928-1967) was an Argentine Marxist revolutionary, a physician, an author, a guerrilla fighter/leader, a diplomat, and a military theorist; and a terrorist. He was also a hero of college ...
THIS was the question a friend of mine in his late 20s asked me when we woke up on April 14 to the news that Iran had ...
World War II embroiled over seventy countries through force, alliance, or occupation. However, the list of major players only ...
Allied Powers Cost in Dollars in 1914-18: United States 22,625,253,000 Great Britain 35,334,012,000 France 24,265,583,000 Russia 22,293,950,000 Italy 12,413,998,000 ...