David B. Stewart III (Reichsfuhrer-SS Heinrich Himmler)Angelina Leigh (Danuta)Chuck Maher (Standartenfuhrer Klein)Martin Slamon (Oberfuhrer Shellenberg)John Martineau (Erebus)Tina Krause (Greta ...
A photograph shows Heinrich Himmler, the Reichsfuhrer-SS, visiting a camp for Russian prisoners. Werner Drechsler (pictured on the left injured while disembarking USS Osmond Ingram in June 1943 ...
A SECRET account of Nazi monster Heinrich Himmler’s cyanide ... to believe you are a German officer of the SS and we have been told that you are Himmler’. “At this he laughed and said ...
Japan, though a signatory, declined to do so. Pictured is Reichsfuhrer-SS Heinrich Himmler visiting a camp for Russian prisoners. Werner Drechsler (pictured on the left injured while disembarking ...
In Katrin's childhood home at least, the subject wasn't out of bounds and she grew up in the full knowledge of who Heinrich Himmler was - the ruthless head of the SS and a key player in the holocaust.
Can Plum Island, an 843-acre island a mile and a half off the eastern end of Long Island—originally the site in the early ...
Heinrich Himmler stylizes his SS as an aristocratic religious order. At the Wewelsburg near Paderborn, he himself plays the master of ceremonies of this anti-Christian and anti-Semitic order ...
During WW2, German SS leader Heinrich Himmler attempted to turn a Renaissance castle into a headquarters for the Nazis' major paramilitary organisation. Dubbed the 'Centre of the World' by Himmler ...
After hearing that Dr. Carl Clauberg had successfully treated a high-level SS officer's infertile wife, Heinrich Himmler ordered Clauberg to conduct artificial insemination experiments.
Heinrich Himmler - ein Mann, getrieben von Germanentümelei ... Die Dokumentation nutzt neue Quellen wie den Dienstkalender des SS-Chefs, um seine Motive offenzulegen. Der studierte Agrarökonom ...
Himmler realized he had to find new methods that ... done with cars As Nebe related the incident to his SS comrades, this near-miss convinced him that gassing could be used effectively against ...