Video uncovered by CNN significantly undermines two Pentagon investigations, the latest of which was released last week, into ...
“Do unto all men as you would wish to have done unto you; and reject for others what you would reject for yourself.” The incongruity of Taliban leaders exempting their own daughters from the ...
New video and new accounts of Marines opening fire and gunshot injuries in Afghan civilians call the Pentagon account into ...
The Taliban government has entered its first talks with the United Nations, donors and non-governmental organisations over the impact of climate change in Afghanistan, organisers said Wednesday.
The Taliban will not be recognised as the legitimate government of Afghanistan until it allows the full participation of girls and women in the wartorn country’s society, the US State Department ...
(Gray News) - As the Taliban’s rapid takeover of Afghanistan ... He said the gunfire came from down toward the Abbey Gate sniper towers, not too far from where the blast had gone off.