Sixty-three years ago, the Eichmann trial opened in Jerusalem. It had a lasting impact on the ways in which we perceive the Holocaust. The trial was an occasion for heated debate and controversy.
Zero', a film set around the 1961 trial and execution of Adolf Eichmann, is set for theatrical release in July from Cohen ...
JONATHAN R. WALTON, Eichmann comes to trial in Jerusalem. He stands under a special Israeli law provides the death penalty gis and Nazi Collaborators" d of crimes against the people. Eichmann ...
Memories of the Eichmann Trial includes reminiscences by trial witnesses, Holocaust survivors, Israelis of the second generation, and others who were directly involved in the Eichmann case.
Dr. Robert Servatius, the Nuremberg war crimes veteran who is defending Adolf Eichmann, has mapped out a three-part strategy to block the trial of the former Gestapo official accused of the murder ...
While Handlin spoke, Eichmann remained in a barred jail cell in Jerusalem, the third day of his trial for complicity in the annihilation of six million Jews during World War II. himself as "a ...
In 1963, writing her first seminal dispatch from the Eichmann trial in Jerusalem, Hannah Arendt observed that whoever built the Israeli Palace of Justice “obviously had a theater in mind.” ...
a summary of the trial was flown to 37 countries. The Eichmann trial shed light on the horrors of the Holocaust for millions around the world for the first time. This series features testimony ...
emotional recollections of trial witnesses and other key participants provide insight and contrasting perspectives of the Eichmann legacy. Advertisement ...