With the start of hurricane season less than a month away, U.S. officials who predict, prepare for and respond to natural ...
The Atlantic Ocean is already about 2 degrees Celsius warmer than normal, which will serve as fuel for tropical systems ...
As a tropical system approaches Florida, we want to ensure that the forecast is as easy to understand as possible.
It’s Hurricane Preparedness Week here on CBS 12 News. Each day the CBS 12 StormTrac Weather Team will cover ways you can ...
Confused about the difference between a watch and warning, or a hurricane and a tropical storm? Here's a list of everything ...
Every summer and fall, eyes remain locked on the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico to see if any tropical storms or ...
There are many myths when it comes to hurricane season and believing them could cause you and your family to make costly ...
Part of preparing for a hurricane is knowing what the forecast means for you and your area.Let’s start with watches and ...
Atlantic Hurricane Season is nearly here and we want to make sure you're prepared. According to Colorado State University, it ...
A tropical storm gets a name when its sustained winds reach 39 mph; it becomes a hurricane when its winds reach 74 mph.
The National Hurricane Center is gearing up for what might be an extremely active, even record-breaking hurricane season. To ...
Neutral conditions are expected be in play soon but then give way to La Nina conditions by June, and that opens the door for tropical storm and hurricane development. "The transition from El Nino ...