Ranging from the development and testing of biological warfare agents to conducting live dissections on victims, the actions ...
Men Behind The Sun' holds an infamous place in the annals of history, but the film's reliance on real-world events adds an ...
The building was the headquarters in China of the Imperial Japanese Army’s Unit 731. And Shimizu finally told his wife that he had been a member of the infamous biological warfare unit that used ...
The army’s epidemic prevention research laboratory that had deep connections to Unit 731 was part of the medical school. The unit, which studied germ warfare, is believed to have carried out ...
Japanese imperialism launched the September 18th Incident in China and the criminal guns and guns were stained with the blood of the Chinese people Simultaneously with the armed aggression a ...
Features fascinating details on the Ping Fan research facility (Unit 731) in Manchuria, supervised by Japanese General Ishii Shiro and its use of American POWs and other human subjects for ...
Unit 731 explores a side of WWII history that is largely unknown to the Western World. Documenting the development of WWII from the perspective of the Far East Front, the story of the gruesome ...
What’s really scary is, I don’t have any nightmares of what I’ve done.” —Ken Yuasa, Japanese army doctor Unit 731 was a Japanese research program during World War II that conducted horrific ...
At first, her mere survival was enough to make medical history of thecase of Dorothy Mae (“Johnny”) Stevens, who was found chilled (bodytemperature: 64°) in a Chicago alley last month (TIME ...
Since this first hospital may not have had all the means to take care of him, doctors put him on a helicopter to be transferred to the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) of at Massachusetts ...