It was 'lights, camera, action' at Christie's as more than 3,500 vintage film posters went under the hammer. Movie art collectors include film buffs, celebrities such as Johnny Vaughan and Paul ...
The original 1927 German-language poster for Fritz Lang's seminal 'Metropolis' is the world's highest-valued movie poster. In 2005, a rare example sold for US$690,000.
Die zurzeit beliebtesten Abenteuer-Filme 1979 der MJ-Fans präsentiert dir folgende Übersicht. Neben Abenteuer-Filmen wie Das Krokodil und sein Nilpferd, Taro, der kleine Drachenjunge und Lupin ...
Movie Posters Design : These days, film posters are still an incredibly important part of a film’s marketting technique.
So what if you just emptied your wallet for those rare Star Wars posters io9 shared last week? This auction of vintage horror and cult movie posters has some truly staggering offerings too.
Die tschechische Fantasy-Kinderserie “Die Märchenbraut” des Regisseurs Václav Vorlícek und des Drehbuchautors Milo Macourek begeisterte seit den 80er Jahren ein Millionenpublikum in ganz ...
Designer Daniel Benneworth-Gray returns to CR with his annual round-up of the best movie posters this year. Betcha can’t guess ...
Vidyut's skills include mirror writing; 'as martial artist important to learn different arts' Vidyut's skills include mirror ...
The upcoming live-action Borderlands movie gets another exciting update with a brand-new poster, boosting fan hype ahead of the film's release. A new Borderlands movie poster reveals a colorful ...
Die eingemauerte Stadt war ein kreativer Schmelztiegel für Sub- und Popkultur, geniale Dilettanten und Weltstars. "B-Movie" erzählt die letzte Dekade der geteilten Stadt.