We know that Eichmann, the notorious Nazi commander who was responsible for implementing the Final Solution and causing the ...
“I am prepared to atone and accept the death penalty for the terrible things that were done,” Adolf ... final section of the recorded interrogation presented before the recess this morning ...
Eichmann, who was the authors of the "Final to the Jewish problem"--ration ... revealed a tension between regard for legality and a desire to see Adolf Eichmann receive retribution.
Eli Gorenstein (Adolf Eichmann ... but in the transcripts Eichmann was found boasting and proud of his significant role in planning and executing the Final Solution. For the first time, we will ...
Adolf Eichmann was captured in Argentina in 1960 by an Israeli team The notorious Holocaust planner Adolf Eichmann was helped out of Germany by members of the German intelligence service and the ...
Although Eichmann was responsible for implementing the "Final Solution" which led to the deaths of over 5 million Jews, 40 years after his execution, he still remains an enigma. How did this ...
The passing of Rafi Eitan, the man who led the 1960 Mossad operation to capture Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann ... implement the "Final Solution" to the Jewish question. Eichmann was present ...
As a general rule photography was prohibited at Auschwitz, but a cameraman from the SS took these photographs of an arriving Hungarian transport On April 25, 1944, SS officer Adolf Eichmann ...
The 1961 trial of Adolf Eichmann held in an Israeli courtroom and broadcast around the globe was a benchmark event in the historiography of the Holocaust especially in Israel where the trial ...
The televised trial of Adolf Eichmann brought to a global audience many of the previously unknown horrors of the Holocaust. And on 11th December 1961, Eichmann, sitting impassive and unemotional ...
In December 1944, the Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg attended a small dinner party in Budapest; also at the table was the Nazi Adolf Eichmann. The two men were in Hungary on opposing missions ...
Why is Eichmann so unknown in Holocaust histories? Using this short film and a variety of sources and images, students can build up a picture of Adolf Eichmann. It is important to use material ...