Powerball, Publix
The Publix grocery store in the Bayshore Gardens Shopping Center is closed until further notice, and it won’t reopen until ...
A black bear was spotted just blocks away from a North Lakeland Publix on Thursday evening in the Lake Gibson area.
Peanuts sold in Publix and Dollar Tree stores in the Carolinas have been voluntarily recalled by the company who makes them. ...
The beloved grocery chain Publix is a sought-after destination down South for high-quality items of all kinds.
New Publix stores are scheduled to open in Central Florida, though Publix officials said they’ll be missing a certain piece ...
Peanuts sold in Publix and Dollar Tree stores in the Carolinas have been voluntarily recalled by the company who makes them.
Tickets cost $1 per play. Winner! Florida ticket wins Powerball lottery jackpot for $215 million Publix continues to sell most winning Florida Lottery tickets. Let's look at April winners Florida ...
Publix has something really cool in store for its customers! Shoppers have spotted a returning fan favorite flavor from Blue ...