The Chinese fast-fashion online retailer is now subject to EU rules as a "very large online platform," joining tech firms ...
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken's visit to Beijing aimed to stabilize relations between the two superpowers. But ...
A British man is accused of planning an arson attack on Ukraine-linked businesses in London on behalf of the Wagner Group.
Buckingham Palace confirmed that the UK monarch will restart his public-facing duties, two months after being diagnosed with ...
Spyware on a partner's smartphone is becoming more common. How to protect yourself. Can watermarks really help against ...
Police in Berlin have cleared a pro-Palestinian protest camp from outside the Chancellery building in the capital's ...
Conservatives have largely dropped a fiercely-held opposition to a woman assuming Japan's throne as empress. But critics say ...
የኢትዮጵያ ብሔራዊ ምርጫ ቦርድ ስድስተኛው ዙር ቀሪና ድጋሚ ምርጫ በሚካሄድባቸው የሀገሪቱ አካባቢዎች ሰኔ 9 ቀን 2016 ዓ.ም ምርጫ እንደሚካሄድ አስታወቀ። በቤኒሻንጉል ጉሙዝ ክልል፣ አፋር፣ ...
French President Macron has called for a paradigm shift in a Paris speech on European integration. That might not necessarily ...
ሶማሊላንድ ከሶማሊያ እራሷን በመነጠል እራስ ገዝ ከሆነች ሦስት አስርት ዓመታት አለፉ። ዛሬም ግን ሶማሊላንድ እንደ ሀገር ዓለም አቀፍ እውቅና አላገኘችም። ...
በዛሬው የውጭ ጉዳይ ሚኒስቴር መግለጫ ሰርቢያ ውስጥ የሚገኘው የሶማሊያ ኤምባሲ ትናንት የኢትዮጵያን የኦጋዴን አካባቢ ያካተተ እና ታላቋ ሶማሊያ የሚል ካርታ በኤክስ የመገናኛ ዐውታር ማጋራቱን ...
El Nino's grip on East Africa has led to widespread flooding, submerging entire areas in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania, and ...