Norovirus vaccines face significant hurdles, with virtually no success from past efforts from HilleVax and Vaxxart. But ...
In the complicated world of hospital billing, there’s a fine line between maximizing reimbursement and gaming the system. A ...
Bioidentical hormones are synthetic substances designed to replicate natural human hormones, and are commonly used to address ...
Researchers at the Mayo Clinic recently published a study perpetuating the myth that opioid prescriptions launched the ...
There is overwhelming evidence that high-quality masks reduce the spread of aerosol-spread infectious diseases, including ...
Move over, influencers; there's a new trendsetter in town: the gut microbiome. This paper demonstrates that your social ...
We Need Reliable Science, Technology, and Medical Expertise in Trump 2.0 ...
A recent article in The New York Times described how Mexican cartels were recruiting college students to "cook" fentanyl, to ...
The USDA pesticide residue report demonstrates the safety of conventionally grown produce, contrary to claims of anti-science ...
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are widely used to control pain. They are typically quite effective and safe ...
Fluoridation is the vampire of public health debate that has currently regained new life. It’s been called one of the ...
The Golden State's Proposition promises to save residents from toxic doom, but mostly leaves them dodging alarming labels in ...