The MHRA has eased sodium valproate restrictions for men, dropping dual specialist reviews for current patients.
Alerts delivered via the electronic health record temporarily reduces unnecessary screening and treatment but does not create ...
Junior doctors in Australia’s largest state threaten strike action after a leaked hospital administrator email derides them ...
Cannabis use disorder requiring hospital-based care is linked to an increased risk for premature death in a new cohort study.
A fatal explosion at a Michigan clinic has raised concerns about the growing use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
Combining talazoparib with enzalutamide significantly improves overall survival in patients with metastatic ...
New research provides the first direct evidence that brain lesions causing secondary psychosis map to a common brain circuit ...
Despite guidelines addressing overdetection, no significant declines are seen; emphasis on active surveillance approaches is ...
A network meta-analysis reveals age-dependent variations in efficacy of popular diabetes drugs, with SGLT2 inhibitors showing ...
Women diagnosed with pelvic organ prolapse in emergency departments in the United States lack timely outpatient follow-up, ...
A nurse-led mobile healthcare clinic identified a high proportion of clinically significant prostate cancers among men from ...
Many Ontarians are without a primary care provider, and the political parties pledge to address this need in various ways.