Native to tropical Asia and South Asia, the curry leaf tree has managed to adapt to our climate and withstand pests, ...
In June 2022, fertilizer runoff pushed Des Moines Water Works, the municipal agency charged with overseeing drinking water, ...
In this week’s Field Report, USDA’s nutrition standards aim to support farmers, a paraquat ban advances in California, food ...
Author Sophie Egan on how to buy groceries that are good for you, for workers and animals, and for the planet.
The USDA will decide if synthetic, biodegradable food packaging and service ware should be allowed as a feedstock in ...
Nearly a quarter of U.S. mammal species are on the endangered species list. Researchers say farming with biodiversity in mind ...
Kelsey Keener, 36, oversees a few thousand Novogen laying hens on his 300-acre Sequatchie Cove Farm, nestled alongside the Sequatchie River at the tail end of the Appalachian Mountains in Tennessee, ...
Driving north from Santa Barbara on California’s Highway 101, you wind through miles of grapevines climbing gently rolling hills. It’s a bucolic vision of agriculture, with hardly a worker in sight.