What’s been going on in the genomics world in the last seven days? In Week in Brief, we’ve got the answers for you!
In this feature, we explore the timeline of decreasing sequencing costs, the $100 genome, and where we’re going.
It’s been an exciting week in the genomics world, and we’ve summarised the recent news so you can see it all in one place. Check out the latest Week in Brief below. A hypothesis-based article expands ...
Single-Cell sequencing has already become a staple methodology for medical research. Much of this advancement has happened within, and is directly relevant to cancer biology. Hence, we are really ...
Oncological care increasingly relies on molecular tumour characterization techniques to enhance patient outcomes. However, the clinical utility of some of these methods remains uncertain, potentially ...
Welcome back to Week in Brief, where we explore the latest news from the genomics world and beyond! What’s going on in microbiome research this week? Researchers at the Broad Institute have identified ...
Looking for the latest news highlights from the genomics world and beyond? We’ve got you covered with Week in Brief! Scientists have identified two mutations linked to a rare platelet disorder, ...
AI can assess lung ultrasound images and detect COVID-19 infection, according to a new study. The work is a step forward for non-invasive detection and tracking of various illnesses that impact the ...
Back in 2020, we covered an industry analysis of the role of Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery. The report covered the period up to 2024 and suggested that the market was worth hundreds of ...
Newborn sequencing has been a hot topic in the news in recent years. From Guinness World Records to large-scale screening initiatives, scientists across the world have been dedicated to developing ...
RNA therapeutics have gained traction over the last four years, not least because of the significant global effort to create mRNA-based vaccines against COVID-19. However, the potential for the use of ...