Community health workers in Cote d’Ivoire, armed with bicycles and medical supplies, are making significant strides in the ...
"We have the ground for entertainment, we have a mini football ground, basketball combined with volleyball. We have the live ...
The discussions, centered on enhancing the already positive relationship between the Holy city and Ghana. The historic ...
People visit the "Olympism. A history of the world 1896-2024" exhibition at the France's National Museum of the History of ...
The events unfolded on February 25th, with the village of Soro bearing witness to the loss of 179 lives, while 44 others ...
Human rights organizations have for years warned that tougher policies and police crackdowns are not deterring migration but ...
The malaria parasite mostly spreads to people via infected mosquitoes and can cause symptoms including fever, headaches and ...
"It appears to us that the Justice Department is continuing to give a wealthy, powerful, well connected corporation benefits ...
With no reliable figures obtained yet, the RFI news agency reports that several dozen people were released ,mainly villagers ...
"If we get more investment in manufacturing of medicines and essential medicines, including antimalarial, where the problem ...
Kenya since mid-March in flooding events that have affected more than 100,000 people, according to figures from the Red Cross ...
"This tragic incident once again demonstrates the threat to life posed by these crossings and brings into focus why it is so ...