Node.js 22, the latest version of the popular JavaScript runtime, has arrived, featuring require() support for ECMAScript ...
The new features are designed to give businesses more control, enhance security, and offer cost-effective options.
Arctic will be available under the Apache 2.0 license and can be accessed via Snowflake Cortex for serverless inference or ...
Retrieval-augmented generation brings to generative AI the one big thing that was holding it back in the enterprise.
WebAssembly runtime maker Wasmer has unveiled py2wasm, a Python-to-WebAssembly compiler that transforms Python programs to ...
The 3.8-billion-parameter Phi-3 Mini is small enough to run on mobile platforms and rivals the performance of models such as ...
Enterprise workflows desperately need what iPhone and Android users have enjoyed for years—ready access to files wherever and ...
The updates include new large language models and a capability to import custom models, which is currently in preview.
You can plan, strategize, chunk, fold, spindle, and mutilate a project for countless person-hours, and you still won’t know ...
Tool kit for monitoring, managing, profiling, and troubleshooting Java applications now requires JDK 17 or later to run.
With public cloud providers chasing generative AI, it may be a surprise when dollars flow in other directions. Vendors and ...
Allowing developers to handle an exception from the selector in switch with a case in the switch block would make switch more ...