The manner in which a new baby is welcomed into the world during the first hours after birth may have short- and long-term consequences. There is good evidence that normal, term newborns who are ...
Clinically, the features of acute bacterial pneumonia present no differently among gravid and nonpregnant patients. Hopwood [8] reported that among 23 pregnant patients who developed pneumonia ...
Expert Rev Vaccines. 2009;8(3):293-298. A new generation of vaccine antigens with little or no inherent immunostimulatory properties requires potent adjuvants to enhance and direct the vaccine ...
A variety of antidotes have been reported to treat SSRI-induced sexual dysfunction effectively; however, virtually all the data on these agents are derived from open case reports and case series.
Background and Objective: Narcotic analgesics such as hydromorphone undergo an extensive first-pass effect resulting in a low systemic bioavailability following oral administration. Alternative ...
Acute abdominal pain can be categorized in multiple methods. The most common method is by dividing the causes into two main categories, such as surgical versus nonsurgical pain, and intra ...
Background The 20-meter walk test is a physical function measure commonly used in clinical research studies and rehabilitation clinics to measure gait speed and monitor changes in patients ...
Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2008;65(24):2347-2357. Administer medications via the oral route when possible. Determine the enteral feeding tube size (e.g., small bore or large bore), insertion site (e ...
Adhesive products are selected based on the intended purpose, as well as the anatomic location the adhesive will be attached. An important patient consideration is the type of device being secured ...
In comparison with the vast epidemiological literature on postpartum depression (PPD), relatively few studies have examined the biological aspects of the disorder. However, research into the ...
In addition, previous headache diagnoses must be considered and the presence of any comorbid depression or anxiety disorder. These latter disorders seem to occur with greater frequency in IIH ...
Hypertonic saline refers to any saline solution with a concentration of sodium chloride (NaCl) higher than physiologic (0.9%). Commonly used preparations include 2%, 3%, 5%, 7%, and 23% NaCl.